What Pilates exercise videos should you give a try?
Well, that really has a lot to do with your own goals, personal preferences, and background. Some people love the concepts and philosophies of Pilates, but want a more challenging workout that is suited for muscle building or getting into top shape. Others are beginners who want a video that is a bit slower paced that can "show them the ropes" and introduce them to the world of Pilates. No matter what your goals are or what you are looking for, you are lucky in that there is likely to be a Pilates video that is perfect for what you want.
There are specific video programs that you may want to check out, such as Mari Winsor's programs.
Her routine, called Winsor Pilates, is very popular and is adaptable for many skill levels. This means that it is appropriate for beginners as well as advanced Pilates enthusiasts. Also, she has produced videos for a variety of difficulty levels that are designed for specific results. You will find that, if you look into Pilates videos, this is pretty much the norm for most of them. They are usually available to suit a wide variety of people.
Best of all, you can look online for Pilates exercise videos, where you can easily compare prices or even read consumer reviews so that you can get an idea for the strengths and weaknesses of a particular video. Or, you can simply head to your local electronic media retailer and check out what they have to offer. At first, you may want to try a couple of different videos to see which one is best suited for you.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com